All ServStar Services Rules
  1. Be respectful toward the server, staff and players
  2. No harassment or excessive trolling
  3. No bigotry or hate speech
  4. No disruptive arguments or disuccsions in global chat
  5. No public accusations of rule breaking. /helpop or /report if you see someone breaking these rules!
  6. No X-Raying, Hacked or Modded Clients, or cheating in anyway
  7. No griefing or block spamming
  8. No spam or non-ServStar advertising
  9. No posting personal information
  10. No offensive or inappropriate builds, skins, names, or capes.
  11. No impersonating staff members
  12. We do have an enabled Anti-Cheat. Appeal like normal if you have been falsely banned.
  13. All ServStar Staff members have the final word on all punishemts and sentances given. To find all our staff visit our staff page.
  14. If you feel you have been punished wrongly, please appeal and / or report the staff member.

  15. Build Team and Creative Rules
    1. No inappropriate plots. They will be cleared without notice
    2. Griefing player plot(s) or any other equivalent will not be allowed. And will lead to a ban
    3. No lag machines or infinite loop timers or mechanisms
    4. Avoid splashing potions on other players. Players who continuously throw potions will be kicked and banned.
    5. These items are banned: Mob Spawner, Dragon Egg, Command Block, Eye of Ender, Bottle of Enchanting, Invisibility Potion
    6. No abusing or exploiting plot protection
    7. All growth is disabled
    8. If you would like these items do /helpop or /modreq: Water, Lava, Barrier Block, Item Frame, Spawn Eggs, Armor Stands
    9. Scaffolding, 1x1 towers, and other temporary builds should be removed as soon as they are not needed. Such structures may be removed by staff at any time.
    10. Be respectful of the map and do not ruin the experience or view for other players. Certain "very low quality" structures may be removed if they significantly impact the surronding area in a negaative way. Such removal will be done entirely at the discretion the admins.

    11. FFA and PvP Arena Rules
      1. No teaming in a Free for All (FFA) match. You will be warned then kicked!
      2. Exploiting into or out of an arena is not allowed. If you end up in or out of the FFA arena, immediately do /ffa leave and then /ffa join to log back. You will be kicked if a staff member sees you out of an arena.
      3. Camping is not allowed in any way.
      4. For kits that you are able to build in, you may only tower up for the amount of 30 seconds. You may be punished if you go past that amount of time.
      5. For all kits and events, you may strategically place yourself in a position that you avoid damage. But do not make or corner yourself in a 4 way blockage of damage. You also have 30 seconds to fully open you to all PvP ascepts.
      6. No abusing or exploiting arenas or kits.
      7. Spoiling armor, coordinates, or other player information is not allowed.
      8. Combat logging is not allowed.
      9. Do not abuse any Vanilla Minecraft mechanics to give you an advantage.

      10. Micro and Hosted UHC Rules
        1. Strip Mining is not allowed under y:32
        2. Pokeholes is not allowed under y:32
        3. Roller Coastering is allowed. Do not overdo it
        4. No spamming chat
        5. No spoiling
        6. No X-Ray, Cave Finding, or other Illegal Client or Mods

        7. Allowed Mods
          1. Optifine or other FPS enhancer
          2. Mini-Map that does not display any entities or map features.
          3. UHC Essentials
          4. Battys Coordinate Mod or other Coordinate or HUD Mods
          5. TabbyChat or any equivalent chat manager
          6. Gamma or Full-Bright
          7. Toggle Sprint
          8. LabyMod V2.6 or higher

          9. Teamspeak 3 Server
            1. Recording and live streaming is allowed. Please make everyone aware that is in your room that you are recording.
            2. Do not copy names with someone on the server
            3. No spamming with messages, pokes, channel hopping, etc.
            4. Voice Changers are not allowed.
            5. The channel admin is responsible for their channel
            6. No chatting in the AFK room
            7. Users can give themselves a custom avatar when their name is clicked, so please make sure your picture is appropriate and doesn't contain racist or inappropriate images as these can also get you banned from the server.
            8. Do not make channels with names that break any of the rules above
            9. You are allowed to ONE private room
            10. Contact an admin before making a private room
            11. Don't send links to scream websites, porn websites, phishing websites or anything that can harm the user's computer or are considered inappropriate as we want the users on the Teamspeak to feel safe while being on it.

            12. UHC Scenarios
              1. Micro UHC: Rush stype game: Final Heal: 5 mins, PvP: 10 mins, Meetup: 35 mins
              2. FFA: No Teaming is allowed
              3. True Love: Team Game where you you do not spawn with your teammate.

              4. CutClean: No furnaces required! All items are auto smelted
              5. XtrApple: Apple rates are at 20%
              6. Flower Power: When a player breaks any random flower, there is a chance that the flower will drop a random item
              7. Last Resort: When having 1 heart or less hp, you can type /ls which will heal you up to full, but it also gives you infinite Wither I.
              8. Self-Diagnosis: You are unable to see your health or hunger bar
              9. Eggtastic: When you throw an egg, a random mob will spawn where it lands. When you kill a chicken, there is a 5% chance of it dropping an egg.
              10. Risky Retrieval: All gold and diamonds mined gets moved to a ender chest located at 0,0. You must open that chest to claim the ores.
              11. Switcheroo!: Every time you hit somebody with a bow, you and the person you hit swap positions.
              12. Snowball Flight: When you throw a snowball you ride it
              13. Time Bomb: Once a player is killed, their inventory is put into a chest. But you have 30 seconds to loot the chest before it explodes!
              14. Double or Nothing: For every ore mined, there is a 50% chance it drops 2 or none at all.
              15. Genie: You can wish for certain items based on the amount of kills you have
              16. #Bow: All melee damage is disabled. Only way to cause damage is by a bow
              17. SlutClean: CutClean with a slutty twist.